Donnerstag, 11. April 2013

Less than 80 days left :-(

The snow finally melts, which I think is really great.
I was jogging today already with Reto.
He had taken me more behind him, as I've run by myself .
It is so great to walk outside in the nature and breathe the fresh air ; spring arrives!
I look forward to when it gets warm.
I also wanted to show you some pictures.

Mona and I on the way to the meeting in Jyväskylä.

My teacup ( 1/2 liter)

We made sushi by ourself.

Mona has not blue hair, I coloured her hair in silver.

Me and a very big frog in Oulu.

Hard to believe, but there are unfortunately only still less than 80 days here in Finland.
Then I fly from Helsinki to Munich to Berlin.
There I will have the YES from YFU.
It is a kind of endseminar to  reflect on everything and have fun with all the other exchange students from Europe.
I'm looking forward already, even if it means then that my exchangeyear is over already.
Many have asked me if I was homesick.
It may sound a little wierd, but I had never really felt homesick.
At the very beginning, on the second day with my host family, I felt pretty bad.
I was there for the first time in nearly a week, I had been on the Internet and read all the lovely encouragement from my friends and family.
It was very emotional for me.
In the winter months, Mona and I had been a bit depressed ; so much snow, it was pretty dark and we just wanted to do anything.
But that time is thankfully over.

Also i hadn´t had a culture shock.
I think the reason is that Finland actually is not really very different from Germany.
Sure, there are differences, and these can even be very unusual, but I had almost never a problem with it.
I think that this is enough for now.

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